Upload preference

Because users overwhelmingly prefered uploading tracks to SoundCloud on their computer, I decided to augment the desktop SoundCloud upload process.

UI Features

Via the metadata imputed by the uploader, the song will then be uploaded to pertinent profiles. The royalty and monetization of the track should also fit within SoundCloud's existing process.


Collaborators who are tagged by the uploader have a chance to verify the information in the upload as well as approve/ reject the collaboration request.

I then presented my prototype to the four participants I had presented the concept to, in hopes to find what could be revised and iterated upon. I asked them to navigate the flow and envision that they were uploading a collaborative track. I received feedback mainly concerning the UI and experience itself, as well as the levels of verification.

The research, ideation, prototyping and testing came together in my final case study for adding collaborations into SoundCloud's existing upload process.

Usability Testing

  • Resizing all button dimensions to be standardized with SoundCloud's existing UI, creating consistency and visual appeal.

  • Adding a drop down menu for collaborators (as opposed to open form fields)

  • Adding the ability to "report" Spam or incorrect collaboration requests upon dismissal.

Revisions + Iterations

  • When you deny a collaboration request, adding the ability to report an unwanted collaboration via 'Report' button.

  • Streaming services link to both profiles in metadata for collaborations.

  • All these platforms allow you to upload with multiple primary artists as well as tag their page.

  • For security, there is generally a level of verification/ approval to have a song land on your page. If there is no verification, there is the ability to have a takedown request.

  • Streaming services link to both profiles in metadata for collaborations.

  • All these platforms allow you to upload with multiple primary artists as well as tag their page.

  • For security, there is generally a level of verification/ approval to have a song land on your page. If there is no verification, there is the ability to have a takedown request.

In order to best understand SoundCloud and how to approach this feature, I researched three main competitors Spotify, Audius, and Apple Music, while focusing my insights on how collaborations are uploaded.

Key Findings

Key Findings

Taking notes


Adding collaborative uploads to SoundCloud

Adding collaborative
uploads to SoundCloud

Augmenting SoundCloud's Upload Process

Augmenting SoundCloud's Upload Process

SoundCloud is a music sharing platform where artists can upload singles, EPs, LP’s and mixes to a personalized page and receive streams as well as comments and reposts. For over a decade it has remained an integral part of the underground music ecosystem, serving as a launchpad for independent artists and a hub for music discovery.









1 Month


Music / Streaming

Competitive Research

Asking the users


I then approached 4 colleagues who I know utilize SoundCloud on a regular basis to upload music to better understand how this feature might help them. They were able to give me great insights into constructing this feature into SoundCloud's existing upload process. Using affinity mapping, I synthesized takeaways into three implementations:

I used the SWOT method to compare competitors.

I used the SWOT method to compare competitors.

"You fill all the correct metadata for the artists involved and then SC just figures out the rest on its own and eventually the song shows up on both profiles as intended."


"Decisions over changes would need to be managed fairly between all possible combinations of contributors."


Wireframes + Iterations

Wireframes/ Iterations


The added feature



  1. Filling out basic information for song upload.

  1. Entering collaborators and linking profiles.

  1. Entering Monetization + Royalty Splits

  1. Collaborator is notified of request

  1. Collaborator can view song metadata and royalty splits with the ability to approve or deny upload

  1. Upon approval, song is distributed with both artists linked.

I studied SoundCloud's existing upload and recreated the forms in Figma, so that I could add my own collaboration feature to the existing process.

I created two personas to help illustrate the necessity for this feature. Both personas stemmed from real life use cases I can envision for the added feature. They highlight the pain points of each user and potential solutions.

I created an initial prototype utilizing my prioritized needs, UI from SoundCloud, and end user goal in mind.

Screenshot of uploading on SoundCloud

Basic upload form with option to input collaborators.

Basic upload form with option to input collaborators.

Collaboration notification to non-uploading user.

Collaboration notification to non-uploading user.

Collaboration Request sent to user for confirmation. The collaborator cannot change information but they can view all relevant information regarding the upload before approving it.

Collaboration Request sent to user for confirmation. The collaborator cannot change information but they can view all relevant information regarding the upload before approving it.

When denying an upload, the user who uploaded the song is given a notification- the terms are then adjusted between the two users on their own communication channels.

When denying an upload, the user who uploaded the song is given a notification- the terms are then adjusted between the two users on their own communication channels.

Initial prototype

Users cannot distribute a track to SoundCloud as a collaboration between two or more artists. One artist may upload the track, and the other artist(s) have to repost it to their page, which is not ideal.


I’d like to a propose a collaboration feature wherein two or more artists can upload a track seamlessly to both of their pages, with comments, likes and plays cross pollinating across all the hosts. This feature would be similar to Instagram collaboration posts or distributing a track with multiple primary artists to a platform such as Spotify.



This case study was a great chance to empathize with users and practice how to make an existing UI even better and accessible. I enjoyed thinking about design problems centered around verification and it introduced concepts about discography security I felt could translate to other distribution models as well.

This case study was a great chance to empathize with users and practice how to make an existing UI even better and accessible. I enjoyed thinking about design problems centered around verification and it introduced concepts about discography security I felt could translate to other distribution models as well.

Next Case Study








1 Month


Case Study

"You fill all the correct metadata for the artists involved and then SC just figures out the rest on its own and eventually the song shows up on both profiles as intended."


"Decisions over changes would need to be managed fairly between all possible combinations of contributors."



Upload preference

Because users overwhelmingly prefered uploading tracks to SoundCloud on their computer, I decided to augment the desktop SoundCloud upload process.

UI Features

Via the metadata imputed by the uploader, the song will then be uploaded to pertinent profiles. The royalty and monetization of the track should also fit within SoundCloud's existing process.


Collaborators who are tagged by the uploader have a chance to verify the information in the upload as well as approve/ reject the collaboration request.